Saturday, March 03, 2007

March First Friday

The Emporium Building has been undergoing renovations for the past week and a half, which has made it difficult to work in my studio. So I’ve been working at home on some smaller (2’ x 2’) aerials – preparing and putting gesso on the panels and experimenting with water-soluble oil paints, which are low odor and can be mixed with water / acrylic medium.

I didn’t have any new finished work to show for First Friday, but did have lots of visitors who hadn’t seen the works in progress: painted aerials, fiber aerials, Fig Leaf Loincloth and my process notebook for the Wardrobe for Paradise series.

We had a huge turnout, despite the renovations, and as usual I met people I’d never seen before. It always amazes me how the different exhibits pull in different crowds. Who would have thought that there were so many people in and around Knoxville interested in art?

Work of notable mention in our vicinity was fiber artist Judi Gaston’s wearable art series, Recyclables, where she weaves discarded materials such as plastic bags, gift wrap, bubble wrap, old dress patterns, etc into garments and bags. As always, the quality of her work is exquisite. An image of one of the pieces will be on this page through the month of March.

Next door, the UT Downtown Gallery had a provocative installation, Shelter, by the Turkish born artist Tulu Bayar in collaboration with Chinese artist Xiaoze Xie. Bayer also had a video installation on exhibit entitled Confluence. Click on the links to see the images and read about the work.

Across the bridge, The Art Gallery of Knoxville has a show of Jered Sprecher's paintings and drawings. Here are some images of his work in 2005, via the Wendy Cooper Gallery website.

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