Saturday, January 27, 2007

yarn p0rn, free-weaving, dyeing and painting

I have an aunt who has been thinning her fiber / fabric stash, which made me the lucky recipient of these colorful yarns:

and some white ones for dyeing:

Similar to what I've done here (though this is a much smaller scale), I'll be "free-weaving," as I call it, these yarns into 3' x 4' aerials. Right now I'm dyeing strips of canvas and stretching them onto canvas stretchers to create the main structures of the weaving. Dendridic forms in leaves, trees and aerials really lend themselves to this process.

I've also been painting again, working mostly on a 4 1/2' by 5' aerial that I started in Los Angeles. This painting has sucked months from my life and I'm still struggling with the way it reflects light and creates hot spots. Lighting this thing evenly is near impossible because the surface has so many different planes. I've draped fabric and paper over wood panel and then dripped and rubbed it with paint. The textures are great and like the free-weaving appropiate to the subject matter, but the viewer has to be in constant motion around the painting to see all of it... curious effect I could use to other ends, I suppose.

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